Thursday, December 02, 2004

Where is the Fucking compassion

Detainees on hunger strike say goodbye - Breaking News -

Excuse the language, but the refugee issue has laid reasonably dormant, the last couple of days, but it has fumed up again. Read this:

"We have been locked up like animals for a long time and we are not criminal people.

"We want to live in Australia as free people. That is our reason for hunger strike."

The immigration department said the hunger strike was over-exaggerated.

Over-exaggeration! What the Fuck! Let me ask everyone who sits at their computer all day browsing through blogexplosion not giving a shit (this is not all of you) If you were going to be given the death penalty for being a Christian would you flee your country anyway you could? How would you feel when you arrived at a so-called 'country of freedom' and then you were locked up? This problem is not getting any better. Most of the world and even most of Australia don't know enough or don't fucking care. I'm sorry if I blew up over this, but I am very frustrated that this is being ignored on every TV station, that most newspapers ignore this, that most people are so cheap and greedy to forget that they are human and only see them as criminals out to take our welfare.